How to Spend One Day in Outdoorsy Omiš

omis croatia

Adventure sports? Check. Fresh mountain air? Check. History of pirates? Check! There are so many things to do in Croatia’s Omiš to indulge your outdoorsy side! If you’ve ever been to Vietnam, you’ll understand why one of my favorite places in the whole country is Da Lat. It’s a small mountain town known for wine […]

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What’s Your Kink? The 7 Types of Romance Novels

types of romance

Whether it’s realistic or fantastic, modern day or oldenday, sugar sweet or habenero hot, you’ll find your kink in at least one of these seven subgenres of Romance! When I tell people I’m a romance writer, I can pretty much expect one of three basic reactions: “Oookayyyy…” “Ohhh hayyyy 😉 ” and “Wait… like… 50 […]

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