How to Attend Mendoza’s Larger-Than-Life Vendimia Festival! An Itinerary

mendoza vendimia alto central

CALLING ALL WINE ENTHUSIASTS: Mendoza’s EPIC, larger-than-life 3-day Vendimia Festival is the Harvest Celebration you’ve never heard of, but the one that’ll leave you raving for years to come! Allow me to explain ? You may think you love wine, but after attending Mendoza’s larger-than-life Vendimia I think you’ll conclude no one loves their wine […]

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February Hiatus: An Update!

february hiatus

So… It’s been a hot minute since I posted! A few factors contributed:  FIRST I had double knee surgeries at the very end of January. I’ve never had surgery before, and while it was minor I admit I was high on anesthesia drugs and ibuprofen laced with a buttload of codeine for a full week […]

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How To Spend One Day in Quaint Korčula

korcula croatia

Whether you’re searching for sandy beaches, rare wines or Marco Polo’s supposed birthplace, there’s no shortage of things to do on the island of Korčula! Phew. Korčula. The trickiest leg of our trip! Now well into the back half of October, it’s safe to say most of Croatia had snuggled into hibernation mode by the […]

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